Saturday, April 18, 2009

My first day Bergen

I'm not used te tell about myself. álways think that i'm not thecentre off te earth. So why shallI write about myself. But when I replace telling about myself in reflecting on myself it's different.
This morning we started with the course. At first we all told our experiences with e- learning and motivation for teh course and our expectations about the course.
At first i wanted te say that was glad that we were gonna start. Last week I was getting a liitlebit stressed. Will iI manage this course and my cuuriculum is'nt ready. I thought it was nessecary to have. done it already. In this kind of situations it's better for me to do than to wait. I'm allways saying when people m do their own way off thinking: laugh and smile about it. It's no worry.
In the morning we talked with the five off us about ideas off the courses. For me it's nice to regocnize thati can talk with my coolegue students about their ideas. Give's me a good feeling and tells me not to worry. I'll go further describing my ideas about participation.

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