Monday, April 20, 2009

Bergen the third day of the course E learning

As in an paper diary I just started to write.

One of te main things of today is that I don't want to have the image that I'm against computers. I'm not lucky when I build up this image. It's not thrue. I have any resistance, but for me it got more tot do with the lack of knowledge. So that's what I'm gonna change! I am convinced about myself that I can work as an e- teacher, when we talk about the way of asking questions, motivating students, be a guide and so on.

I think that more of my time have to go to know the system and work with the system. More and more I see E learning as an extra, important, part of educating people. But at this moment I think E teaching is an comperative way to regular education. Important. And as society changes so fast, education platforms will also change fast.

In the morning we practice with the way two E teachers had given their reply to students. We've had a short discussion and confirmed to each other that we want to give our reply on another way. At the teamside w've practiced and give an reaction to the way the teacher react and your own way to react to the same student.

Other discussions and items to think about:

* Always find a balance to active and passive learning even as an e teacher.

* Be aware of the function of reflections. ( I mentionedby myself that I ought to demand more than I do.

* Aswell for teachers and students it's important to see this form (with a target) as an organic proces.

* When you start a chat make sure you know the students. for example by printing their CV's

* Prepare to the chat. For me that's an important issue beacause I'm quite good in improvise a lecture when I've got students in front of me.

In the afternoon whe've had a lecture how to use it's learning. The tempo was very high. I think that this tempo is even high for students with a lot of knowledge of software. As Anne Karen told us; even a student can take over and explain to the others. On the other hand when no one is taking over ?What will happpen?

The lecture goes further.( I thought by myself he is a very aimable, technical educated man) And because of the fastness of the lecture I forgot to ask : How do you check your students when you work on it's learning?

So when I resume the day: digital world starts to fascinate me.

+ In a digital way I'm not so far as my collegue students. But I think I develop quite fast!

+ I don't have to work out the whole issue, before I'm gonna guide. The subject will help me to get further.

+ I've learned several technical issues.

+ In Autumm I'm gonna start to follow English lessons.

Till now on



  1. Hi Mark,
    Interesting reading your reflection from to day. I know that from experiencing the frustration in the beginning when starting to use e-learning as a tool for teaching it is possible after a while to feel more competent and also more familiar with this form of teaching. Your communication skills as you use in the classroom will be as important in the virtual classroom.
    I'm glad you take this positive and optimistic attitude towards this learning process.

    Well - about the it's learning training to day. I understand from what you say that we should have used more time on this. I'm sorry that I did not realised this during the process. However remember that is is also necessary that you take the responsibility for your learning by telling when it is necessary to explain things more properly and to say stop when you need more time to get the points, or to try this out.

  2. dear mark,

    when I read your blog I remember my time when I started to use computers more frequently. Sometimes I hated it, the damn machines never doing what I wanted them to do, and I think our developed strategy of blaming it all on the computer which we cultivated the last two days is very important and healthy :-) it is like we discussed today or yesterday: they will never replace everything we have been doing so far, but they enhance our possibilities and options. and by broadening our options we all have the potential to be better teachers, online as well as offline. we all can be a little proud that we open us towards that experience, and perhaps you most of us, since the computer is not your favorite item!

  3. Hello Mark,

    I don't want to focus on computers on this moment. Because ,when you are really working on your course, I am sure you've got a lot of things to share with students, with alle the experience you have. As you see in my blog, you pointed for me very well out the function of the cafe. I also like the way you talk about the personal contact you have with students. It must be really challenging to try this out in a virtual classroom. Because that is what we need to do. And I am sure, you will do all the things possible to have that same contact in your e-class.
