The course E padagogy is still going on. Working with the curriculum plan. Trying to find some literature and read a bit. I think I need to read Elias again about exclusion. Asked the sociolgy teacher to advise me about the literature. I do hope she answer my question soon. When I reflect; I will take the initiative tomorrow. Not by mail, just a normal face to face conversation. I'm also searching for some literature about empowerment in English. Unfortunately this week is full of preparations for the exams. I have to prepare 17 students to their "Master Conversation". This conversation and their practice research makes the complete exam. I takes a lot of time to discuss with all the individual students about their view at social work. What's important for students, which values do they underscribe. It's intensive but quite fun to prepare them. So what's important for me as an e - teacher? I spoke to Grete Oline and my first thought about E teaching is take time. Use the tools I have and the technical tools I understand and can use.
The main thing for me is take some time and practice a little bit. Maybe my curriculum plan and lesson are not available in time. Use the knowledge I do have. And one of the main tools I use in the contact with students is take them serious, listen, be honest to them and I'm always questioning. ( They call it the Mark- question.) It's also means that I need to be serious to myself. It means still working at the curriculum plan and lessons but in another rate.
Alexander wrote a comment about my curriculum plan. Alex no hard feelings. (Sometimes I reflect to much....) I do agree about English. Teachers at inHolland can go to an English course( Cambridge English). My manager and I have already spoken about it! And you use the rules of reflection. First something positive.
Then the issues to reconsider about and work on. I do know what my strong and weak points are. E -teaching is a(an....) challenge. And I wanted to be aware that the challenge will be a challenge and not a heavy weight at my shoulders.
Last friday I trained (my second job;the Union)16 people on te course: Do you want a new job; Know who you are, know your skills and search what you want. I give a short lecture about the creation circle. My co trainer has complimented me with my training skills. Youre a natural trainer mark. Back home I thought by myself; Use the creation circle for yourself. ... So it's just normal life compliments and comments in one week!
Further on Making a trigger takes a lot of time. I do hope it worked. This week I ain't have any time ( because of the exams)Played a lot with photo's, you tube, picasa.For this moment it's enough. E teaching has become a part of weekly life and I'm still believe that in one way or another I an E- teacher. Next year we will see.